Update on works at Manor Fields Park (7 Nov 2023)

Over the past few weeks, you might have noticed some activity at Manor Fields Park. This is part of a project to install a Sustainable Urban Drainage Scheme (SuDS).

The project is being delivered by Sheffield Housing Company in partnership with Sheffield City Council’s Parks and Flood Management teams and The Green Estate Community Interest Company, which manages the park.

It is designed to ease pressure on Sheffield’s watercourse and sewer network, and will support the creation of 148 new homes in the Harborough Rise and Manor Park Avenue areas. It will also create a ‘wetland’ environment that will provide a haven for a diverse range of plants and animals, plus new walking trails for park visitors to explore.

It was anticipated that the works would take around five months and all was moving along well – until the spell of very wet weather hit us in mid-October.

This has had a major impact on the planned works. No heavy machinery can move safely onsite whilst the ground is so wet, and it is not possible for the contractors to fit the pond liner. This means that there will be a delay to the project and works will pause temporarily until the ground can dry out.

The site cabins will be removed and will return when the works can commence. We are watching the weather conditions carefully and hope to be back onsite mid to late November.

We are working hard to communicate the plans with park users and the local community.  We apologise for the disruption to the park, but when the scheme is finished early next year, there will be a better environment for wildlife and park users to enjoy.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Further information about the project can be found here: www.greenestate.org.uk/sustainable-drainage-scheme-at-manor-fields-park