Update on works at Manor Fields Park (12 Oct 2023)

Over recent weeks, you will have noticed some activity at the park, including the arrival of a compound and fencing.

As the work progresses to create the new Sustainable Urban Drainage Scheme (SuDS) in the park, we are working hard to keep any disruption and noise to a minimum, where possible.

The next stage of the project includes creating the basin/shallow for the excess rainwater to drain into and installing a clay liner.  During this process, you will see vegetation cut back and there will be an excavator and bulldozer onsite to create the basin.

This part of the scheme will take around four weeks. Once the clay liner is installed, the earth will be moved back into the lined basin. Whilst these works are in progress, we will also be forming new footpaths to enhance access through the park.

On completion of the works to create the basin, works will then include planting of trees and wildflower meadows to re-establish and extend existing vegetation and support the area’s wildlife habitats and biodiversity.

If you have any queries, please contact The Green Estate on 0114 276 2828 or send an email to [email protected].

Further information about the project can be found here: www.greenestate.org.uk/sustainable-drainage-scheme-at-manor-fields-park