Construction on Manor Fields Park project now complete

In recent months, you may have noticed quite a bit of activity in a fenced off area of the park.

These works were to create a Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SuDS), designed to ease pressure on Sheffield’s watercourses and sewer network.

The project is part of plans to build 148 new homes in the city – at Harborough Rise and in and around Manor Park Avenue – and to create a ‘wetland’ type environment that will enhance wildlife and improve the park experience for visitors.

The construction phase of this project is now complete and the fencing has been removed. New plants have been planted and seeds sown, and as the weather improves, the area should begin to ‘green up’ nicely.

The project has been delivered by Sheffield Housing Company (SHC) – a partnership between Keepmoat, Sheffield City Council and Great Places Housing Group.

Last week, members of its team were joined by people from The Green Estate Community Interest Company (which manages the park), Britcon (the contractor that carried out the works) and park volunteers, to do a litter pick around the site. They removed a whole tipper load of rubbish, keeping the area clean and tidy for the new vegetation to grow in.

SHC’s Howard Young said: “It is brilliant to reach this point in the project, especially after the challenging weather conditions we had to contend with. This would not have been possible without the patience and understanding of park users and the hard work of the team involved in its delivery – our contractor Britcon and The Green Estate.”

Sally Cuckney, Head of Urban Green Places at The Green Estate, added: “It is so rewarding to reach this stage on the SuDS scheme. The expertise, knowledge, and skills of those who worked together on this are pretty amazing – especially given the wet weather we have all had to deal with. What a brilliant example of what teamwork can achieve. 

“Our park users can now enjoy this part of the park again and it will be great for both people and wildlife.”