Manor Fields Park Pond Area Restoration Complete

We’re pleased to announce that restoration works to the pond area in Manor Fields Park were completed on 29 August by The Green Estate staff with help from trainees from the River Stewardship Company.

The restoration works would not have been possible without the Friends of Manor Fields Park, who managed to raise £600 after the pond area was left badly damaged by fire in a major arson attack in June last year.

Since then, The Green Estate staff, volunteers and trainees from the River Stewardship Company have worked hard cleaning up the post-fire mess, redesigning the area, laying boulders and hard core down to the water’s edge, refurbishing the fence posts, and sanding down/repainting the metal bench.

A special thanks in particular to everyone from the local community who donated to the fundraiser. With your help, the pond area is now a welcoming spot once more, providing a beautiful natural habitat for wildlife.